
Wardrobe by Schuller


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Hang things up, lay them down, tie them on and sometimes simply throw them in

A wardrobe accommodate jackets, coats, shoes, umbrellas, hats, school bags and dog leads but often also relieve us of any other baggage we are carrying as we arrive home. There is rarely room for all of this as spacious hallways and entrance areas are few and far between. The desire for ingenious solutions that promise and withstand more therefore comes as no surprise.

When the wardrobe merges into one with the kitchen and the rest of the living area, it not only needs to be practical, but also to look good. As such, the small room miracle not only offers a maximum of storage space but also mirrors and the friendly colour designs expand the space.

An extra-high design with tall units, open and closed shelves and practical pull-outs offers ample space for all kinds of things, whether hidden away or on display.

The clear partitioning with both open and closed compartments makes things easy to access, provides comfortable seating and helps keep the entranceway neat and tidy.

A cabinet for all purposes – different elements

Perfect order is guaranteed if there is a solution for every requirement.The Orga Wall is a smart organisation helper. It helps to store things that often get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, for example pens and keys.

The illuminated wardrobe is the perfect solution for coats and jackets and pull-outs for scarfs and gloves are always a good idea.

The choice of surfaces, colours and cupboard types invites you to perfectly coordinate the overall furnishings.  

The first impression counts: the wardrobe quasi welcomes you into the home.  It is a representative eye-catcher that also creates an atmospheric ambience with optional LED lighting.

Other bedroom styles

Please view our other ranges of bedroom styles

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